Sunday, June 28, 2009

We went to have lunch since it was already 2pm...seriously, who walks the dog at the park at 1pm?!! He should have brought me earlier and brought some mats and a picnic basket and cooler box!!

We had fries...with pizza...

It was the house specialty so I ordered it since it had mushrooms, bacon and ham...sounds like a safe choice and Joey wanted pizza since they looked delicious. Who knows it came like that, unlike all the pizzas everyone is eating. He actually exclaimed loudly "Why the pizza look like that?!" when the manager came with our dish. So embarrassing, he was like "Oh, this is our special pizza" and muttered something else which I didn't catch...It was actually quite nice and 'fresh' though not very tasty kind.

We continued strolling and found this big grass patch with many people having picnics and children rolling on the grass with big dogs. So cute! Many people were lying on the grass and reading a book too.

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