Tuesday, August 18, 2009

.::. Leaving & Arriving .::.

The 13 hour flight felt really darn long. I can barely sleep and after 1 mask and 1 eyemask, my skin still looked so dry! How do the stewardess do it?? I can barely sleep and it just wasn't comfortable.

My luggage upon reaching. This is the fastest custom I've ever been to. They just look at your passport photo and chop! No forms no nothing. But the luggage took some time to come out. My luggage weighs more than 50kg in total and it was so tiring! I miss my 4-wheel-pink-Samsonite. This soft case is lighter but it keeps toppling to the front!

I had a huge scare when I reached. I tried to call the 4 numbers the landlord gave me, but all 'wasn't in service'. I almost thought that I was cheated and stranded without a place to stay. But luckily, he answered the phone in the end - think the mobile wasn't switched on and the house phone was engaged or something. *phew. Scared the shit out of me!

The weather is really good here, the sea is dark blue! But it's like 15degrees and really windy. It feels really cold!

Malmo station which I passed by. It's having renovation. Think I'll drop by for the festival which ends this Friday.

I managed to walk around (till I was so tired) yesterday. I wanted to get a bicycle (walking 3km to and back home is no joke), but they were all too high for me. Bikes are so expensive here, new ones on offer are SGD$500!!!!!!

I need to go get groceries at the nearby supermarket (15min walk for the cheaper outlet), but without the bike it's going to be difficult to carry much! Then there are some stuff I need to get.

I think I'm jet-lagged. I slept at about 7pm yesterday. *yawns.

I took some pictures but realised I didn't bring my USB2 - another thing on my to-do-list.

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