Sunday, October 11, 2009

.::. Yayyy!! .::.

I've finally finished all my reports. It's been a really long and tiring week. Finally, I can relax and feel alot 'lighter'

It's hitting zero degrees in OCTOBER. Crazy or what?! But maybe I'm getting used to the cold. It's not that bad if it's not raining and windy. Still, have to be really prepared before going out. It's a hassle. I miss pulling on my shorts and spag top, slip on flipflops and head out without worrying about being cold.

Went to my roomate's party with her classmate on Saturday. The seniors invited them for dinner. And the food were mainly salads, all types of salads. It's not that bad, but I can't imagine eating this everyday though.

Sadly, my camera battery died on me. *sigh. But they always have parties, simply bring some drinks, off the lights, play music and start dancing and drinking. Her classmates are nice!

Our lunch on Saturday. Braised fatty pork which my roomate made. *sigh. I know, unhealthy. I'm so brain-washed by my mum that I don't really dare to eat too fatty and oily stuff these days. =_="

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