Wednesday, May 26, 2010

.::. Last days .::.

Met up with our supervisors the last time yesterday, and the outlook looks pretty good. They were pretty satisfied and petty comments such as using a 1 line spacing instead of a 1.5 (despite most 'professional' recommendations) were given.

I think we're pretty set for 3rd June's defense! We do not need to present our thesis but have to fend questions for 45 minutes. I'm pretty nervous about that, it sounds daunting.

Although we are almost done, there's still alot of details which has to be gone through. I'm quite particular when it comes to small things like having 2 spacing after every full-stop (most people don't seem to do that!) and grammar. So, you can imagine how many times I went through the 100 pages of text just to get those right.

Went back to Tao's place after meeting the supervisors for some discussion and some final work allocation.

There is so little days left here. SIX to be exact. I'm alittle overwhelmed. There's still alot to be done, many people to meet and catch up with and things to pack and prepare!

There ain't that many days left in Sweden. I wouldn't have much chance to go around and enjoy the fresh air and weather anymore.

Some people consider Swedish weather bad. But for me, Swedish weather is considered as one of its advantages.

Not many places can rival its scenery when the weather's good!

Although the weather isn't that great most of the time, everywhere is beautiful once the sun shines.

I pretty much liked the four seasons that I've experienced here. It's difficult to choose my favourite season for every season had its breathtaking moments.

I very much prefer four seasons than our all-year-round hot weather and I would choose the Swedish weather anytime! Sun is overrated and it's never special when you have it everyday. I love observing the season change and the effect it has on the nature.

When the sun shines here, you can simply feel happiness dancing in the air.

I will cherish my last days here.

Meanwhile, 6 days before the boyfriend gets here!!! *jumps around in the air.

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