Friday, August 14, 2009

.::. Nice People .::.

Had dinner with the ex-colleagues at Vivo's Sushi Tei tonight. It's Tai's last day and I'm happy that she has found her direction.

Thuy and Tai. They are few of the nicest people who made working alot more bearable. Thuy still makes me laugh like crazy and Tai was the one who made me know how to stand up for myself. I still miss our lunches together.

Honey with her boyfriend. She's one with great endurance levels - the first one who wanted to leave but hasn't.

Yanni came to join us after dinner. She quit after 3 months of working till midnight and burning weekends. She finished her ACCA but is going to start teaching soon - a job that enables you to go home for dinner.


After my first real job, I'm really unsure of what I want. I'm really not sure if I would like to work more than 12 hours a day and burn my weekends. It's so depressing if I had to spend so much time at work that I do not have the energy nor time to maintain relationships with my friends and family. I reckon the working culture makes alot of difference too.

I guess I shall just study hard the next year and give myself a second chance.

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