Friday, August 14, 2009

.::. New Look!! .::.

I look like that now! Hahs. Totally different from yesterday's picture.

Went to collect retainers and to get my hair coloured today. Honestly, it wasn't quite what I wanted before I went today. But as usual, I always let Max do his stuff since I wasn't quite fussy. I didn't quite like it at first, but after praises from the ex-colleagues and playing with my hair, it's actually quite nice. Something different and playful. =)

Just look at the amout of herbs mama bought for me to cook soup in Sweden! It's damn alot, but I managed to fit everything into my backpack.

Problem is, I wonder if they will let me handcarry my 60L backpack into the plane?? It doesn't look it, but it's actually quite enormous and heavy! Ahhh, maybe I should take a picture carrying it to show it's size.!! I wonder if I could take the risk and what if they don't let me up the plane?? Hmm...

I met the ex-colleagues for dinner before catching Bruno with Joey. We only watched half the movie because the boy was late and couldn't find parking. *sigh. Maybe it's my mood or that we only got to watch from halfway. I just didn't find it that funny, comparing it to Borat which I laughed till I cried. It was below my expectations since I was so looking forward to this movie!

Had Bak kut teh for supper again! *weee.

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