Thursday, August 13, 2009

.::. Brace-less!! .::.

I've got my braces out!!!!!!! *yay.

This is how I look now. My face shape has changed so much! I think it's longer which makes my chin sharper and cheekbones more defined and mouth smaller when I don't smile. Actually, I prefer my old face shape! But it feels damn shiok looking at a set of perfectly aligned teeth. I hated the gap in my 2 front teeth and the overbite was so bad too. Now its straight!

I keep wanting to take pictures yesterday, but Joey refuses to take with me. *sian. My face looks damn sharp here. Hahs!

Anyway, thinking back of my one year journey with braces, I really wonder what made me have the courage to do it since I'm so scared of dentists and pain since young. Perhaps it's the desire for something perfect on myself. To me, it's the only thing which I can make it 'perfect' since I'm darn scared of plastic surgery and I jolly well know no part of me is perfect physically. So yea... Of course there's all the benefits of bitting better, brushing easier and oral health. But obviously, I was motivated by vanity, as with many people!

I went shopping alone at Ion after my dental appointment while waiting for Joey. We watched UP and he was so late that we only had time for a quick Long John Silvers dinner. He complained that I took too long to eat - 40 minutes. But since braces, I've been careful and gentle with bitting and it takes more time to eat. I think it's a good thing since I bite properly before swallowing!

Anyway, I loved a new shop at Ion called "New Look". They have damn cool shoes! Not as cool as Zara but cool enough for me to buy 5 pairs of shoes there easily! There were so many cool heels and flats too. I liked quite a few pairs. Then the clothes are quite reasonably priced too. I like one pair of flat oxfords too. Hahs. Might well be my new favourite shop since the shoes are lovely and I'm such a shoe lover.

I think my dentist is quite nice! He gave me back my 'old teeth' mould! My upper teeth used to cover all my lower teeth and there's a gap between my 2 front teeth and the bottom teeth is crooked. He's going to give me the 'new teeth' mould and the before and after pictures together with the xrays too. *yay!!

I can't believe I've 4 more days. There's so much which I haven't done! I need to wake up early the next few days and get these stuff done...

At least I've got my passport and resident permit back. Most important thing is done.

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