Wednesday, August 12, 2009

.::. Spring Cleaning .::.

Just a very quick one.

Did major spring cleaning yesterday. So tiring! The bed is so dirty below! So dusty and Chinook's dounut toy, some rope and fluff managed to get in there!! Goodness. My mum finally allowed me to get rid of this bed frame. Such a bother to keep getting the mattress up to clean it since the mattress is so heavy. My mum gives all sort of weird reasons when she doesn't like things. She used to say how I'll spoil my mattress and the floor if I put it on the floor without the frame yet now she agrees to let me throw it out. I quickly dismantled it before she could change her mind!

The sleeping half of my bed looks like that now. Feels alot 'cleaner'. I never had the chance to get gold paint to paint stars on my blue wall though. Maybe when I come back...

I'm braces-less now!! My teeth are straight! It feels weird. But my dentist is so nice. He gave me the mould of my 'old' teeth and will be giving me my xrays, together with a disc with all the photos of my teeth too. *yay. I think my face looks slightly slimer. Hahas. I think...!

I'd better get to bed quickly else I won't wake up in time to collect my passport and meet Ju and Chye for breakfast!

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