Tuesday, August 11, 2009

.::. Saying Goodbye .::.

I finally moved Chinook over to Joey's place since there's nobody to take care of him while I'm gone. I know Chinook will be well taken care of and showered with lots of attention since his family and even his maid loves dogs.

Bathed the guy and groomed him before bringing him over. That boy is so happy and clueless that I'll be gone for so long.

Though it's been like 2 days since he left, I miss him so much already. I almost feel like calling out to him "Chinook, come!". I usually sleep late and he's always keeping me company, following me to the toilet and everywhere I go, scrambling to me whenever I call him and I always get to hug him. *sigh. I even miss his 'smell'.

He has settled well in Joey's place. Their house is under renovation and Chinook would have a big garden to run about in after they move. Joey's dad likes bringing him out for walks too. Chinook was so busy running around the house to check on every single on of us that he barely slept nor had time to play with his toys when I was there.

We went to look at lights with his parents before going to catch G.I.Joe. I didn't know lights were that expensive! But it's not like we're making the choice, so it doesn't matter much if we went along. It seems like we've very different ideas from his parents. I wonder if I'll ever have my own house and get to choose everything...

I liked G.I.Joe! I thought that it was a cool and exciting movie. Hahas. I think I like action hero movies. I think that Duke guy is shuai!

We wanted to have Bak Kut Teh after the movie, but it was closed! We ended up having frog leg porridge in Bukit Timah. That stretch of shops includes a popular prata shop, G7 frog leg porridge branch and Five Star Chicken rice branch! Looks like the famous food in the East is moving over to the west too.

Gong Bao Frog legs - another of my favorite food which I'll miss dearly. But the Geylang branch seem to taste better, I think because they marinate the frog legs more thoroughly.

6 more days!

I'm going to get my braces off tomorrow! *yay. I wonder how I'll look. =)

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