Tuesday, August 11, 2009

.::. Looooong Weekend .::.

It felt like a really long weekend since mine started from Friday.

Had lunch with my family at Crystal Jade on Sunday. All of us prefer Crystal Jade though my dad suggested Ding Tai Feng. My farewell meal.

It's the first time my bro came back from his first 2 weeeks of BMT too. We ordered so much that the waiter was shocked and asked us to scale down. My bro must have been hungry inside, he really whacked the food.

Then we went for dinner at Joey's cousin's new place, the condo near farrer station and Mustafa. Though the location is good, I'm appalled by the surroundings!! We drove past this street to get to his condo.

Seriously, this doesn't feel like Singapore. These people walk on the road without any regard for traffic and practically fill the whole road up. There were police walking around, but none bothered to do anything! I think it would talk too much resources to get them to get off the roads though. There were ALOT of them, everywhere! We drove at turtle speed and could barely move.

This is why I avoid Little India during weekends and public holidays.

His cousin's apartment was pretty though. We're going for a bbq there on Saturday, shall take some pictures then.

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