Saturday, August 8, 2009

.::. Tiring Saturday .::.

The flea market @ Home Club today was a disaster. Let's just say that business was bad. Luckily I didn't cab down, else I wouldn't even have recoup the rent! The rent was $35 (divided by the 4 of us) but the business was alot worse than Tanglin Flea Market!!

I reached before 1pm and Ju and I manned our small stall for most of the afternoon before Chye and Jo came at 5-ish.

Both of us were in red since the theme was 'National Day'. Business was so bad and both of us were so bored. Luckily it wasn't hot since we were right outside the building with aircon blowing out. I was famished by the time Chye got me Mac at 5-ish. I think my stomach is really not very good lately, I just don't feel well and have the runs! Arghz. I don't even sleep well lately.

Our stall - Jo helped us to get the clothes rack and hangers from Mustafa, else it'll be impossible to sell anything.

The table with our accessories - no one bought anything!

Flea markets are tiring! I think we should just stick to Tanglin flea markets and dump everything on a mat, sell everything and go home with our wallet full and wardrobe cleared.

I left during dinner-time since mama suddenly told me that my aunt was inviting us over for dinner this morning. It's sort of a farewell dinner for me since I was leaving. It was a western dinner with lagsane, cheese sausages, chicken, salad and soup. They're very nice. If not for them helping me to talk to my parents and convincing them to let me go, I might not even get the chance to study overseas. For that, I'll always be grateful.

I spent many weekends during secondary school days at their Subway store making sandwiches and selling sandwiches at rugby matches when Subway wasn't even as famous. I spent many of my weekends at their place too. Those were the days...

Papa is bringing the family out for lunch tomorrow because I'm leaving. There's dinner with Joey's family tomorrow and bbq for Ethan's birthday next weekend too. I might be eating too much that my stomach is protesting!

Hopefully I get to spend more time with loved ones before I leave. =)

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