Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm totally jet-lagged. I sleep at totally weird timings and my body feels really weird.

How can I sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling so darn pissed and angry that my house is so darn messy?! Arghz!

I swear I'm going to throw half the stuff out in the middle of the night. I'm so sick of this mess. It's almost impossible to do anything when they want to keep all the old furniture, then bring in more furniture and can't bear to throw away any old stuff because it 'might be useful'.

The biggest realization - it's really difficult to live with others. That very reason is more than enough to put me off marriage.

Although there are many lonely moments in the past few months, I realized that I feel more calm and at peace with myself. No anger. It's like I've put all my stress and problems in life on hold and went out to explore the world. Carefree.


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