Tuesday, August 17, 2010

.::. Working Life .::.

Work is pretty great. It's not that I do not get tired or bored, but it's as great as a job can get. I do not think that I'll ever find a job that I'll actually like and would rather work than sleep in. Everyday, you get up at the same time, get to work at the same time, it's a routine which you just get used to. Thankfully, I do get work on time too! My boss is really nice and there are no mean people around too. I'm really thankful that I do not have to put up with screaming bitches and endure listening to swear words every single day.

I went for hot yoga today, and it nearly killed me. Very nearly. I wanted to do Body Combat before hot yoga, luckily the class was full and I spent an hour going on the treadmill, step machines and weight machines. It has been...3 months since I really exercised, though I did spend a month walking 12 hours everyday. My muscles were either too tired or too stiff. I had so much trouble maintaining the different positions and my muscles started cramping! I used to be able to do those poses with ease a year ago. *sigh! I hope my muscles will have mercy on me tomorrow.

The boyfriend finished work late and we ended up meeting for dinner. We really shouldn't meet up so often and eat out, since both of us are pretty broke. It's funny how he spent the whole dinner, and whole night complaining about his job. It's not that bad, but he has lots of complaints and comments and contemplations. I seldom see him so vocal about stuff, going on and on for hours. He even said that I have to listen to him complain every night.

It's heartwarming knowing that no matter how bad the day was, there's someone to listen to you at the end of the day.

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