Tuesday, July 2, 2013

.::. The Importance of being on time .::

Wanted to share an article which I came across: "The importance of being on time".

I hate it when people are late, as in very late. 10-15 minutes is really fine, but some people are simply chronically late for whatever reasons (or excuses) that it becomes a habit.

And yes, it's rude and inconsiderate and a waste of peoples' time. It also shows how much you care or respect others. As you grow older, time becomes more precious. It's really a pain to spend time waiting and waiting.

I hate it when dinner is supposed to be at 730 but people stroll in at 830. You're not supposed to leave house at the meeting time but leave enough time to travel. It fills me with dread when I'm supposed to meet people like that and it makes me feel like being late too. Why should I care if they don't? And you know what's the worse thing? When you purposely arrive late, but still end up too early. *face palm*

I can go on forever about such experiences. And really, sometimes I ask myself, why should I be the one waiting? Why aren't they embarrassed about causing others' inconvenience?

Oh well, these are the points that the article brought out:

Being punctual strengthens and reveals your integrity.
Being punctual shows you are dependable. 
Being punctual builds your self-confidence. 
Being punctual assures you’re at your best.
Being punctual builds and reveals your discipline.
Being punctual shows your humility.
Being punctual shows your respect for others.
Being late is a form of stealing.
Being late disturbs the experiences of other people. 
Being late strains your relationships.
Being late hurts your professional career.
Being late takes a toll on your life.

Try to be on-time people!

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