Friday, August 7, 2009

.::. The Countdown Begins .::.

10 days.

I've been meeting up with friends and running errands, eating all the good food I can lately. We'll be at Home Club's flea market tomorrow and hopefully, we can sell off some of our stuff and give me some traveling money!

I've dropped my passport at the embassy and just need to collect it next week. I can barely wake up early lately! I'm not sure if I'm supposed to sleep earlier to wake up earlier so that I can maximise my days left here or should I sleep damn 'late' to make myself get used to the time difference!

There's so much to do next week!

(1) PACK! (damn alot of things such as clothes, stationary, food, necessities, docs)
(2) Meet Lainey
(3) Get a haircut or maybe a dye job too ( not cutting it the next 10 months)
(4) Go to the temple with mama to pray for safety
(5) Go to the dentist to get my braces off and go back for my retainers
(6) Collect my passport
(7) Remember to book my seat and meal on the plane
(8) Get my international license
(9) Find a clinic with flu jab available (all sold out!)
(10) Change some money
(11) Close my other UOB account and get internet banking for the campus account
(12) Meet up with my ex-colleagues
(13) Prepare Chinook for his move to Joey's house

I hope I don't miss out anything!

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