Wednesday, August 5, 2009

.::. Ion with Ju .::.

The day I went Ion with Ju before I totally fell sick. I like Ion, it makes me excited. Hahas. If I'm rich I'll probably be very happy shopping there.

We were quite budget, had dinner at one small noodle store called Zhong Hua La Mian.

My Zha Jiang Mian costs $4.50. Probably cheaper than the food court in Ion! I heard Simon had some mushroom and cheese prata for $7 at Ion's food court!!

Anyway, the noodles was not bad, though not fantastic. Maybe a 3/5.

Ju with her beef la mian. It wasn't that nice though. It's spicy, leaving a burning lip kind but bland. Maybe a 2/5.

And Ju can never resist dessert. She had this Caramel Sand dessert from Arinco King. It's a bread-like cake with cream and caramel sauce on top. I love Japan's caramel, it's very light and fragrant. It's different from those caramel from like Coffeebean which is stronger and has a slightly burnt taste which I don't like. I fell in love with caramel again after the trip to Hokkaido. *yums!

That night, Joey called me around 9pm. He has just finished his work and have not had dinner. So we ended up at Ya Hua Bah Kut Teh at Havelock Road again! It's my favourite bak kut teh! I love it that the soup is peppery and the bah kut is not tough at all. The pig liver is also soft and just cooked. I don't fancy the you tiao though, it's hard and left out in the air for too long.

I think bah kut teh is a good supper option. It seems healthy to me! If I'm not hungry, I mostly drink the soup and steal some pig liver. I will definitely miss the hot peppery soup while I'm away!

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