Tuesday, March 1, 2011

.::. Choices .::.

Everyone has choices. Everyone of us do.

I remembered reading a book a long time ago. It was about how this girl went down the wrong road due to circumstances and was bitter about her life. It was until she was old and met someone wiser that she realized that everyone had choices, even someone like her. You can't blame anyone for the choices you made that lead you to where you are. I don't remember the title of the book, but it really left a deep impression in my young mind then.

I reckon that I've a strong character, and I'm the decisive kind who knows what I want most of the time and work towards it. It is difficult for me to understand why some people make certain choices for themselves but blame the whole world, other then themselves for it. Yet there are some who blame themselves for everything and mope in pity instead of choosing to get out of it.

There are some girls who keep complaining that they never meet the right guy. They claim that they want a stable relationship and someone whom they can trust and rely on. Then they keep choosing guys who they know from clubs or have a reputation for being a playboy. And then? They lament that life is unfair to them, that they are unlucky and will never meet the right guy. Some others make certain choices and then blame others for their decisions. They claim that they made the decision because of someone else. Or there are those who go on and on about how they would like to be rich but not work hard to earn more income but spend or gamble their money away instead.

When would these people wake up and realize that everyone has choices and that you are the only one responsible for making choices for your own life? How life turns out to be would be dependent on the cumulative choices you make. With every choice, you gain some and you have to give up other choices. Perhaps there might be some wrong choices that you later realize, but it's always possible to learn from it and get back into the right path again. What other people achieved was a result of the conscious choices and sacrifices they made along the way.

Everyone has weak momements when they feel down and in despair, including myself. Whether or not you let that bring you down or choose to pull youself out of it is itself a choice.

Whenever I feel down, I always tell myself - "You have a choice". Either give up and run away, put it behind you or simply endure and be the best you can be. For youself, not anyone else.

If you don't love youself enough to choose the best for youself, then nobody can help you.

Let's love ourselves alittle more and complain alittle less. Then perpahs, it's easier to reach our goals in life.

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