Monday, March 14, 2011

.::. Time .::.

I wished I had more time. There's so much I would like to do, yet no matter how hard I try to make time for them, I always fall short.

It's has been a tiring week last week, and a very tiring Monday. My product segment ain't doing well for Q1 and there's so much analysis to account for the shortfall i.e. which country or products are causing the shortfall. Then there's the stupid system, and I don't even want to start.

At least most of the trip's stuff is settled and booked. And at least I'm doing my HIIT workout 3 times a week. I'm feeling stronger and fitter.

I need to seriously write a to-do-list.

Sometimes, I keep reminding myself to do something or tell/ask someone something, but I end up not remembering whether or not I actually did it. So I end up repeating myself or forgetting to update my friends about some things I would like to share.

I'd like to push myself harder, aim higher, for I know that time is not always a luxury and every minute counts.

Who knows if the next minute belongs to me?

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