Monday, October 24, 2011

.::. Sale of Balance Flats 2011 - Results! .::.

So, so...

The anticipation is finally over. It has been a long month, feeling tensed and jittery. Did I mention that I hate waiting like that?

We got it, we got it!


I really wanted it with all my heart, I prayed so hard. I told god to please give me a unit, I'll take it as long as it's 5th level and above.

All my dreams are coming true, everything I wished for all my life.

Thank god, for blessing me and always answering my prayers. I'm going back to the temple to give thanks, though it's really what's in the heart that matters.

I only got more spiritual during my stay in Sweden. I guess when you are all alone, witnessing all the beauty on earth, it takes away all the stress and what matters most becomes obvious. There were so many moments which took my breath away and really taught me to cherish life and appreciate things more. It could be the blue skies, snowfall, postcards I receive, message from the boyfriend, web-caming with my family. Everything made me feel thankful to be alive and experiencing these. So much so that I wouldn't mind dropping dead the next moment, I'll still be smiling and thankful for all I'm given.

It was when I was alone in Kiruna, -25 degrees, no one in sight, and my only tiny map and info flew away that I really talked to god. I fell, while my map spiraled in the air. I was scared, and desperate to make it to the ice-hotel. There was no bus operating on a Sunday and I was dismayed. In the end, the answer seemed obvious, pay for a 100sgd cab to get there! Another 100sgd back. I had to scrimp the months after, but it was so worth it.

Sometimes, the answer is so simple when you put things in perspective.

Now, there's no reason to 'change' my god since he's been so gracious with me.

I guess it takes some time for this to sink in, and all the eventual implications. I feel 100k richer, like a windfall since BTO is so much cheaper and bigger than DBSS in the same estate. I can survive with walking 10 more minutes!

I will definitely make full use of the next 5 years of youth before I settle down and have kids!

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