Monday, August 23, 2010

.::. Life @ Sg .::.

It's probably me. I can't seem to really feel happy with spending most of my days working. I sit in my cubicle, stare at my computer and numbers for 8 hours a day. I should be thankful that I only work 8 hours a day. After that, I'm mostly too tired to do much. I even enjoy spending my weekend sleeping.

I'm not unhappy, it's bearable, just that, there's nothing to be happy about even though I pretty like my job. I'm just detached and emotionless, telling myself that it's something which I just have to get used to. It's like, even though I feel accomplished after completing something, I can't find satisfaction and meaning to life. What's the value of contributing to a corporation's exellence? One is easily replaceable and insignificant.

Being practical, there's no other way living in a city like Singapore. There are bills to pay and everything needs money.

I'm apprehensive. The road ahead appears to be half a lifetime of staring at the computer to generate enough income to do things like get married and have kids. I feel so trapped thinking about that. Responsibilities which will officially tie me down and force me to do things just for the sake of income.

At the end of the day, everyone has a certain lifespan and everything comes to naught.

This sound so depressing, and I'm sick of hearing people tell me, that is the way it is.

Everyone has a choice, just that we always tell ourselves - that is the way things are. But is that really true? We prefer trying to convince ourselves that we do not have a choice and continue the way we are.

Apparently, I am one of the many, being brought up to survive in this society, convinced that by working hard, we are contributing to the society's growth and our future prosperity for all.


How many of us are truly happy and contented? Are we really better off?

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