Moving on is hard. Those darkest moments still haunt me. I acknowledge them and try to work with the dread and negativity that envelops me now and then. You would think that time can dull the pain and make things better, but sometimes the wound is just held together and waiting to burst apart again. It doesn't help that the wound is constantly tugged at.
One can forgive, but trying to forget might take a lifetime of effort. Two people who can have some sort of relationship has to be based on basic respect and communication, otherwise it'll just be dreadful.
Would you constantly tell a vegetarian how delicious meat is and that they should eat it? You wouldn't if you respect their beliefs and want to build a relationship with them right? Doesn't matter if you truly think that meat tastes good and just want to share what you believe is good.
So now, why is it alright for a Christian to constantly evangelize and talk about God this and that and ask you to pray to God all the time? Would one still do that if they truly respect another's religion and their beliefs and is serious about building a relationship? My stomach turns, hands go cold and heartbeat hastens whenever the evangelizing starts, and I truly don't understand why it's so difficult to you know, leave me alone, stop trying to evangelize like a persistent salesman. It's truly dreadful to go through this again and again, not being able to escape. And it's impossible to have a proper conversation, much less a proper relationship with someone who takes every chance to evangelize and bring God into the picture.
Enough is enough.
“To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.”
“To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.”
I want and need to move on.
Hi Jan, I chanced upon your post (a few years back) regarding the flooring using the wood like tiles. Do you mind share with us if there is warping problem. I understand from my contractor that your kind of layering (laid at half way point side by side) can result in warping/uneven surfaces. We really like the design but is concern if that is gna be a problem. Hope to hear from you thanks!