Sunday, October 2, 2011

.::. Apple Convert .::.

So, I took the plunge and got a 13" MacBook Pro.
How do I feel now?
Lust. Satisfied. High.
Here's my new toy!

I think I got a pretty good deal. Free upgrade to 8GB RAM (and I got to keep the 2x2GB RAM), hard cover case, a palm protector, keypad protector, sleeve and 3rd party wireless mouse. It was the first time I actually looked into a laptop's insides.
I have been contemplating about getting a Mac for the longest time, since many years ago. I was a little apprehensive about getting used to it and compatibility issues.
My last 2 Laptops were Acers. My dad is a big fan of Acer and he got me one when I just started university. And when my dad gets me stuff, I usually don't get to choose. It was a huge machine, but if served me well, for a good 5 years. After 3 years in university and a year at work, it went with me to Sweden. Alas, it was making too much noise for comfort and the battery life was non-existent then. I was so worried that it may die on me in a foreign land while I was writing my thesis. A new laptop would have enabled me to work on my thesis in the library and on the go.
I got the 2nd Acer when I came back for holidays in December. It was another dad's choice. Another Acer, but slim and light and as sexy as a PC can get. I was pretty happy about it, since it was a great upgrade from the 5-year-old Acer. All was good, till it blackout-ed on me in Sweden. Brand new, barely 3 months old. The screen went all black in a foreign land, just when I just started working on my thesis.
Imagine my anguish!
I still remembered feeling so helpless then. Being so far away, without a laptop is being disconnected to the world and home. A Swede helped me to enquire about repairs, but it takes at least a month and is not covered by my warranty. It's going to cost a lot and take a long time. Buying another laptop was out of the question since it's so expensive and comes with Swedish keyboards.
I had no choice. The laptop screen was gone, but it worked perfectly when connected to a screen. Being the poor student I am, I borrowed the huge, old, bulky screen that Swede was willing to lend (for free!). It was godamn heavy and I carried it up trains and bus and walked home with it, just so I can continue using the laptop.
I thought all was good, but the screen turns off by itself periodically and I have to unplug the electrical power and plug it back on for it to work again. I can't tell you how many times I cursed when I worked on my 75-page thesis. I actually lived with this for about 5 months and completed my thesis with it.
I'm thankful for that Swede. He even drove over and picked it up after I'm done with it. It saved me quite abit of money.
Thinking back to my days in Sweden, I really did all sorts of crazy things just to save some money. One of the heaviest thing I carried home was this huge, old, second-hand microwave oven. It cost me $20 instead of $200 for a new one. I collected it from someone's house and carried it home all by myself, getting on the public transport. I didn't even know that I had strength like this.
The 2nd Acer got repaired for free when I came back. But my mum dropped it on the floor after some months and the screen was gone a second time. It cost $300. Barely 3 years old, the screen died on me again. It's the THIRD time!
It was like a cue, for me to get a MacBook!
Seriously, it's not a good time since we're planning on getting our flat soon. It's either a 30k cash downpayment or upcoming renovation. But since there was the 12-month interest-free installment, it isn't too bad.
I've to say that NuBox's service was pretty good. He spent a good hour with me, changing my RAM, putting my protectors and teaching me how to use the features. He even installed the flash player and my microsoft office for me! I'm still pretty much confused really, but I'm loving the scrolling function on the touchpad.
I'm happy! Very happy. I may be able to get another laptop at half the price, but I won't get the same satisfaction and happiness with my purchase. All my pictures suddenly looks a lot nicer! I honestly am willing to pay more for more satisfaction. It's like how people choose to eat at restaurants instead of coffeeshops or how people buy Prada bags.
Surround yourself with beautiful things and things which make you happy. Life is too short for regrets! =)

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